Contact person
Type of firm
Company description
Type of business
Wardyński & Partners law firm is one of the largest independent Polish law firms. Currently, there are 27 partners in the company and over 160 lawyers cooperating with them, who provide broadly understood legal advice for Polish and international business entities.
The law firm has extensive experience in working on international transactions. We work closely with leading and recognized law firms in the world. Our partners are members of international legal organizations such as the International Bar Association, the International Trademark Association and the American Bar Association. Wardyński & Partners is the only member of Lex Mundi in Poland, a network of renowned independent law firms in the world.
Relation to VC/PE industry
We advise clients from the private equity sector on projects during the investment process and when exiting investments.
Partners, key shareholders
Tomasz Wardyński, założyciel, Paweł Ciećwierz, Stefan Jacyno, Włodzimierz Szoszuk, Dariusz Wasylkowski
Antoni Bolecki, Jan Ciećwierz, Anna Dąbrowska, Stanisław Drozd, Michał Gliński, Konrad Grotowski, Monika Hartung, Stefan Jacyno, Szymon Kubiak, Łukasz Lasek, Mirella Lechna-Marchewka, Marcin Lemkowski, Agnieszka Lisiecka, Paweł Mazur, Michał Nowacki, Anna Pompe, Łukasz Szegda, Magdalena Świtajska, Michał Wons, Izabela Zielińska-Barłożek, Kinga Ziemnicka