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PSIK has been representing Poland's private equity/venture capital industry for over 20 years. The Association gathers PE/VC investors active in Poland. Associate membership is also available for other persons, companies and institutions interested in developing Poland's private equity/venture capital industry.

The mission of PSIK is to promote and develop the private equity and venture capital industry in Poland and to represent the interests of the Polish private equity and venture capital community in Poland and abroad. PSIK comprises 48 Full Members - representatives of private equity/venture capital management firms - and 113 Associate Members - consulting companies cooperating with the PE/VC industry.

The Statute of the PSIK defines the tasks, organizational structure and method of operation of the Polish Private Equity and Venture Capital Association. The conduct of members is specified in the Code of Conduct of the Polish Private Equity and Venture Capital Association.

PSIK Committees

Komitety PSIK działają w konkretnych obszarach ważnych z punktu widzenia środowiska PE/VC i zrzeszają członków zainteresowanych daną tematyką.

Venture capital

Development of the VC market in Poland

Leveraged buyout (LBO)

A platform for cooperation in financing transactions using debt instruments

Venture Philanthropy

Pro bono activities of the PE/VC community for social purpose organisations

Level 20

Diversity in the PE/VC industry


Promotion of professional standards and principles of responsible investment

Investor relations

Cooperation with local investors and educational activities

Next Gen

Education and integration of young PE/VC professionals

PSIK na zdrowie!

Promotion of healthy lifestyle

Annual report 2023

Nagrody PSIK 2024

The Winners of Nagrody PSIK 2024 have been announced
The Polish Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (PSIK) has announced the winners of the seventh edition of Nagrody PSIK. The awards were given in thirteen competition categories and a special award was presented.
The aim of the competition is to honor private equity and venture capital fund managers, consulting firms, banks, and law firms for their achievements in the Polish PE/VC market, as well as to spread knowledge about the capital investment market in Poland. The competition promotes the highest professional standards in the PE/VC industry, the contribution of investors to the development of Polish companies, and honors social activities.
Detailed information about Nagrody PSIK is available on the website

Our network

PSIK is a member of Invest Europe - an association representing the European private equity/venture capital industry, and cooperates with local PE/VC associations in Europe.