Fundusze private equity/venture capital finansują wzrost oraz wspierają innowacyjność spółek. Wspierają ekspansję międzynarodową, strategiczny oraz operacyjny rozwój dojrzałych firm i zapewniają finansowanie młodym spółkom.
Dotychczas fundusze PE/VC zainwestowały prawie 14 miliardów euro w 1 800 firm w Polsce. Wśród tych firm są lokalni i międzynarodowi czempioni, którzy dzięki wsparciu private equity/venture capital, odgrywają ważną rolę w transferze umiejętności, wiedzy i doświadczenia biznesowego.
billion EUR
invested by PE/VC funds in Poland
Polish companies
in the portfolios of PE/VC funds
PE/VC companies among PSIK members
Private Equity
about Value Creation
Private equity and venture capital investments are more than just buying and selling shares – they are about strategic value creation for companies. The PSIK podcast “Private Equity about Value Creation” explores how PE/VC funds drive company growth, achieve success, and how the industry has evolved over the years.
In this 10-part series, Krzysztof Domaradzki interviews experienced PE/VC investors about their strategies, challenges, and best practices.
The Code of Conduct states the principles of ethical behaviour, asserts the collective observance of high standards of integrity and just and equitable principles of trade and investment, and provides the basis for consideration of and dealing with lapses in professional conduct.
Responsible investment
ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) is a term referring to the principles of responsible investment. ESG standards are widely implemented in the private equity and venture capital industry. Polish Private Equity and Venture Capital association promotes ESG standards on Polish market.
How to become an investment professional?
Practical Private Equity & Venture Capital training is a unique educational project for students created by PSIK and the leading Poland-based private equity and venture capital firms with the support of Level20. It offers access to practical knowledge about PE/VC through a series of workshops led by seasoned market practitioners.