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MidEuropa finalizuje przejęcie większościowego pakietu udziałów w Optegra

MidEuropa, wiodący inwestor private equity w Europie Środkowej, ogłosił dziś, że sfinalizował przejęcie większościowego pakietu udziałów w Optegra Eye Health Care ("Optegra" lub "Spółka") od H2 Equity Partners, który reinwestuje wraz z MidEuropa i zespołem zarządzającym Spółki.


February 22, 2023

MidEuropa, the leading private equity investor in Central Europe, announced today that it has completed the acquisition of a majority stake in Optegra Eye Health Care (“Optegra” or the “Company”) from H2 Equity Partners, which is reinvesting alongside MidEuropa and the Company’s management team.

Optegra is a leading European ophthalmology platform operating in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and the UK. The Company is offering a wide range of procedures including cataract, AMD, and vision correction for both public and private patients. Optegra operates 29 highly integrated state-of-the art facilities and performs over 100k surgical procedures per year with a focus on industry-leading clinical outcomes and outstanding patient experience.